What 30 days of blogging can do for your career
30 days of blogging, beginning now.
I’m a big believer of blogging, and I recommend custom content for every one of my friends when they ask what tools best benefit their small businesses.
What 30 days can do
If we’ve learned anything from Morgan Spurlock, it’s how much things can change in just 30 days. The Super Size Me movie caused McDonald’s and other fast food restaurants to change their marketing as a result of the negative publicity Spurlock’s health crisis conveyed! As an entrepreneur and an enthusiast of pursuing your artistic dreams, I’ve decided to engage in a test to see just how much difference 30 days of committed blogging can make.
Currently, my relatively new Twitter account has 285 followers and my Google+ Page has me in 187 circles. I will focus my social media efforts on Twitter and Google+ because I believe these will matter more to independent business owners, especially writers. I will share my daily blog post on these platforms, with appropriate hashtags.
While I vow to write a blog a day for 30 days, this website is not the only place I contribute. That’s pretty much my point. We each have a job (or three) where we dedicate so much time and energy that our passions take a back seat. I write for many outlets and take classes at Kennesaw State University. Not to mention my two toddlers and my two internships. I understand busy. Believe me! But, I will blog here once daily for 30 days. This is the first.
Those makers out there dreaming of independence and freelance gigs need to understand that maintaining your blog is serious business. According to Fevered Mutterings, 95 percent of bloggers give up! Staggering, when we know that content and creating original content brands us in our industries.
I’m not exactly guilty of not knowing the direction I want to go with this blog. This is my personal blog about my freelance business and the services I provide. For the most part. I’ve also included the category “As the laundry rolls” as an outlet for mommy blogging. My babies are my ideal “small” business. I in no way discount or belittle the immense reward of raising humans to become valuable citizens.
Lastly, I credit Sara Crawford for inspiring my 30-day blog challenge. I flirted with the idea of doing this challenge when other writer friends did it last year, but Sara reminded me that I never did it. Sara’s 30-day challenge is published at http://crawfordwritingblog.com. Here goes mine.
So, Follow me on Twitter and Add me to a circle on Google+ and together we will see what 30 days of blogging can do.

I need to do this too! I have seriously been slacking lately!